3 sweet girls!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

We are soooo thankful for Guangzhou, China!

Well, we made it to Guangzhou yesterday around 3:30 or so. It was one of the best feelings so far of the whole trip. I think it comes in 3rd, right behind the McDonald's fries! When we were driving into town and discovering the differences between here and Nanchang, we were beyond excited! We didn't hear constant horn blowing or see total filth everywhere! What a great feeling! Just when we thought we were happy, it got even better...we turned the corner and saw our hotel. We realized our hotel is right beside McDonald's (I already had a heads up on that one) AND has a Starbucks right inside!!! The whole bus was so excited! The others in our group couldn't get their bags down there fast enough to get to their Starbuck's! Today we went to Shamian Island and had the medical exams done. That was an absolute madhouse, but it went well. It was EXTREMELY crowded because today was the first day it has been opened since the Autumn Moon holiday. We had to wait forever, and there were people everywhere. Now I just hope we didn't pick up any germ souvenirs while we were in there. It was funny because when the Americans would finish and leave the building, you would see them start taking out wetwipes and wiping everything down. Sara weighed 17.7 ponds, and she did great!! :) We are about to leave at 4:30 to go to another meeting where we will turn in more paperwork for Sara's visa. Busy, busy, busy!!! Well, we are now more than halfway done with our journey!! It started out rocky, but now it's getting better!! Thanks so much for all of your thoughts and prayers!! Please continue! We love you all and miss you! :)

1 comment:

Leslieandbrad said...

Hey, John, Christy and Baby Sara,

Our computer has been down, so today was the first day that we have got to see the pictures and read the blog. She's so pretty.
She looks like she a happy baby
with a beautiful smile. ( of course Caroline showed me pictures at school, she's so proud.) We miss you. Hope you have a good day, and can't wait to see you. Love Ya!